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2008-2009 Regular Season: Pregame - The Player Who Would Demand Accountability
October 8, 2008 At 9:58 PM EST
By Eric M. Scharf

According to Brad Sham (whom I really respect), in his latest article: "By the way, Witten is my candidate to straighten things out when they need straightening. He will demand accountability from teammates."
I want to believe you Brad, and, as with most of the Cowboys fans, we will continue to act like we are from the "Show Me" state until we actually see Witten or somebody demand accountability in public, either on or off the field.
I guess we were all just incredibly spoiled with all the times Michael Irvin was willing to get to the point with his teammates on the sidelines. Is it such a horrible thing to want another Cowboy to deliver a similar message to his teammates?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not "airing your dirty laundry" . . . not when all the fans in the stadium and on TV can see the laundry lying around on the field. It does not matter how nicely or angrily the demand is made, we just want to see someone do it or say it in public.
The players will be shocked how quickly many fans will clam up and give them a little more space when they see something happen in public, rather than reading about what might happen behind closed doors or in team meetings. No good. We want to believe. Bring it out. Soon, please . . . and shut us all up.
Who will be brave enough to fire the first shot? Will anyone be brave enough, creative enough, and well-spoken enough to get the needle point across . . . without unnecessarily drawing blood?
We shall see. We always do.