
2008-2009 Regular Season: Pregame -
Adam Jones Already Hitting His Stride
- October 8, 2008 At
10:37 PM EST
- By
Eric M. Scharf
I am probably not the first to comment on this tonight, but it
appears, according to ESPN, that Adam Jones simply could not help
himself and got into a slugging contest with one of his security
guards at a hotel (while the police suggested he may have been
drinking as well).
- Now, if this is true, then, I want to know one
thing: has Jerry Jones authorized the security team to beat the tar
out of Adam whenever he attempts to misbehave? It should work
seamlessly. Whenever a reporter asks why Adam has two black eyes, a
bruised rib cage, and one side of his mustache shaved off, his
security detail will just say, "He fell. Next question."
- And, you have to love the fact that this occurred just as Newman was
being publicly diagnosed with a McNabb, errrr, Sports Hernia.
Adam Jones is trying his hardest to prove that some people only have
the heart to perform their jobs, but never the heart to behave and
follow simple instructions off the job.
- We would all love for him to
succeed, as it directly affects the success of our team, but he may
just be one of those guys who could have $100 billion waved in his
face by the organization as the reward for being a good boy, and he
would just throw it back in Jerry's face.
- Sad, pathetic, and
disgusting, but not disappointing. You cannot be disappointed by a
person who only knows how to fail. Jenkins? Scandrick? You really
want playing time? You think you are ready? You think you deserve
it? It is heading like a locomotive right down your throat but will
you choke on it?
- We shall see. We always do.