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2008-2009 Regular Season: Replace A Star-Lost-To-Injury With Another Star, Not An Inexperienced Committee
October 13, 2008 At 2:35 AM EST
By Eric M. Scharf

If Romo “refuses” to revert to his pre-stoic-in-the-pocket-like-Tom-Brady days, where he felt the heat and took off, laterally, to buy time for his receivers to get open (far more often-and-successfully than not), and, if the offensive line, with-and-without the seemingly invaluable Kosier, continues to allow Romo to get tagged, then, Jerry Jones, you absolutely must get Romo one more legitimate target that will force defenses into more single coverage on Romo's other primary targets (T.O., Witten, Barber, Crayton, and Jones in that obvious order of usage).
Furthermore, if the coaching staff is determined to not allow Felix “Fast With Great Hands” Jones to have more playing time, and if they are truly convinced that he has trouble with blocking schemes when remaining in the backfield to protect Romo, then, once more, you need to add someone to that passing attack to make up for what you will not be getting from Felix and what you are clearly not getting from Austin, Hurd, and Stanback for more than a few plays in the fourth quarter of a four quarter game.
This idea of yet-another-weapon, to be clear, no longer encourages a grand pick-apart of Romo's play, just a basic diagnosis. "He is what he is,” said the ghost of Parcells. So, if Romo is what he is, and he is not going to change his current process, and if the offensive line is what it is, and if our back-up wide receivers are what they are, then, BINGO, Jerry – you have no choice but to add one more legitimate target to Romo's arsenal.

BTW, what potentially happens if we continue with our stagnant offense, as-is, and the Eagles get Roy Williams and the Giants successfully trade for Tony Gonzales (as has been rumored)? Forget the fact that the Giants have played a cream-puff schedule thus-far. Just let those roster alterations sink in, with everything being relative.
Also allow our defensive secondary woes to sink in (or stink in). If our cornerbacks are what they are (outside of the injured Newman and the promising rookies, Jenkins and Scandrick), and we are stuck with them all season long, then, you are forced to overcompensate from other areas of our defense, or you need to be prepared to overcompensate on offense, with all capable hands on deck.

We just need to stop forcing certain players to fill in for someone they are not yet prepared to replace. Jerry and the coaches may not like the facts, but they need to acknowledge them (even if it is only in the privacy of their own minds).
Terry Glenn is still physically unable to play for anyone (and, for all-intents-and-purposes, is retired), thus, he can only smile at these comments and think back to what was (and know that someone appreciated him).

Finally, the fans (the season-ticket-holding fans) have earned the right to not have to wait until plug-in players are ready to perform for 60 minutes. Jerry is obligated to fix this situation, which, technically, he had a chance to fix in the off-season.

"They are what they are, and they are not Terry Glenn."