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2008-2009 Offseason: The Playoffs Have Arrived But Not The Way We Wanted
December 31, 2008 At 8:51 PM EST
By Eric M. Scharf

Jerry Jones has insisted that, essentially, the coaching staff (minus special teams coach, Read) will remain intact, and the offensive / defensive starters are not going anywhere. Before any more fans go ballistic at this statement (paraphrased from an obviously shocked Jones in the aftermath of the loss to the Eagles), the Cowboys are his team, and he can run them right into the ground if he wishes.
The irony is that we should all be thank God Almighty that Jerry’s ego will never allow that to happen. We all know how much Jerry wants the Cowboys to win and win often. He is no greater a fan than the rest of us, but he is the only fan empowered to act on his desires to see the Cowboys return to the top of the NFL hill once more, forever more.

If, months from now, Jerry’s defiant statement holds true, who is going to transform himself (through shear brute force or Hulk-like gamma radiation) into the bad guy? Who is going to be the one person who strikes fear into players and coaches alike?
Who will act as the heartless bully who is capable-of-and-willing-to scare this team and this organization half-to-death towards following a solid team concept, studying playbooks hard, and writing clever playbooks with a purpose, from A-Z? Who will that be? If that person already exists (player, coach, executive), then, I call upon Jerry to name him.

No, that person cannot possibly be you, Jerry, because you were willingly put up with so little return on your investment this year, and, again, you apparently insist on coming back for thirds. Respectfully: give us an educated guess. If the me-first players really, truly cared about their money more than being united during the games they should be winning, then, Jerry, you could simply fine them (within the legal limit of the CBA), again and again, until the players begged you to put food back on their families’ table . . . or until they simply decided they should earn their keep.
So, again, who is going to be the big bad wolf, the big bad Jimmy Johnson, the big bad Tuna . . . without hiring a new head coach and without hiring a new GM-like hatchet man? Who is going to grab your organization by the throat like Darth Vader, Jerry?

Until someone from the organization can answer that question, with any validity, then, all fans (both forgiving and incensed) can-and-should expect Jerry to pull the trigger on another big change (whether involving a coach or a player). We, the fans, have absolutely ZERO proof to the contrary, no matter who "is in place."
Give me, us, everyone an answer, or a best guess. I double dog dare you.