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2014-2015 Preseason: A Fresh Start Or The Next Chance To Fall Apart?
September 7, 2014  At 1:25 PM CST
By Eric M. Scharf
The Dallas Cowboys enter the 2014 regular season with equal amounts of dread and hope. Which amount will win out? That specifically depends upon whether or not “America’s Team” resumes where they left off last year . . . by making mistakes only made by a dope.

Fans and prognosticators will point to another woeful defense that has already lost key players to injury. Ignoring the fact that Romo and the offense can stink it up just as much is the equivalent to perjury.

The Cowboys – seemingly more than any other team the past few seasons – have made decisions in the complete absence of intelligence. THAT – more than any injury, scheme adjustment, or appeal of Johnny Manziel – is what does and always will prevent the Cowboys’ potential return to relevance.

So what if Jason Garrett is a lame duck head coach heading into this season? So what if DeMarcus Lawrence was at least temporarily lost to the “Ki-Jana Carter Effect”? It matters not one bit if the mentality of this team leaves their season not-yet-started already wrecked.

Every other angle or perspective is a non-story . . . because the one that counts is so incredibly gory.

If the Cowboys end this season as another 8-8 – BUT – only because they were soundly defeated for half the season rather than due to more mindless mayhem . . . that would be GREAT! The Tortured Cowboys Fan would be practically clicking his heels! That would be THE sign that brain damage eventually heals!

Teams often are not perfect and rarely do they have to be . . . as long as they understand intelligence is the key. A team can suffer from a ridiculous number of injuries to their most talented players . . . but the players who remain may, MAY be able to shore up athletic deficiencies by using their brains and answer their fans' desperate prayers.

Will They Or Won’t They?

The San Francisco 49ers enter AT&T Stadium with a series of issues – both on and off the field – that suggest there is a small chance to the Cowboys they might yield.

The Cowboys will only have a chance to exploit the 49ers defensive holes . . . if their offensive team members cleanly execute their own roles.

Tony Romo may “just” have returned from his prior back injury that so burned, but it has been deemed fixed and healed . . . and he is a full-GO to hit the game day field.

“New” defensive coordinator Rod Marinelli may – once again – be dealing with half a defensive deck . . . but his scheme is as much about understanding your role as it is swarming fast and furiously to the hole.

The Cowboys do not have to play perfectly. They simply have to avoid playing mindlessly.

Will the Cowboys engage a fresh start . . . or give their loyal fans the same old sign they are already falling apart?

We shall see. We always do.