
- Who Has DIBS On Your Company?
– Part
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- March 16,
- By Eric M. Scharf
- DIBS - Delivered
DIBS transcends business – as it is useful in companies large and
small, in locations rural, urban, national, international, and
DIBS is a state of mind that delivers a well-rounded, innovative
system of checks and balances which can be applied to all components of your business.
DIBS delivers the ability for your
business to compete against the competition rather than many of the
mistakes you could have possibly avoided.
DIBS is a far reaching methodology that delivers for me, delivers for my clients, and can deliver
for you . . . but it does not deliver by itself.
DIBS is as challenging in practice as it is rewarding in delivery.
There is no "DIBS button," and the "Easy button" is exclusive to the
Staples brand office supply chain.
There are plenty of people in the world who say they want the best,
most reliable, strongest, and fastest .
. . and very few people who take pride in building a business that
can deliver it.
There are plenty of companies in the
world who say they want to be true innovation leaders . . . and very
few companies who do anything more than attempt to duplicate or
improve upon the latest innovations from true innovation leaders.
Innovation may be something kind of
different or something entirely new but – make no mistake – plenty
of DIBS-powered opportunities await the latest new business owner
who wants to prove how genuinely serious they are about bringing
true innovation to a marketplace still starved for it.
While all things in business are relative, the one common element
among all business people and the only prequalification for DIBS to
deliver is willpower. Great innovation and wonderful success
do not exist without the willpower to make them happen.
goes without saying that you need additional willpower to maintain
your nerve in the face of strong competitors which may be operating
with greater resources and greater market share . . . and which may
be more than willing to flood the market place to see if your
business will tread water or fold.
It takes still greater willpower to turn down
seemingly lucrative buyouts from larger businesses that recognize
the potential of your innovative product to dominate the competition
if it is ever allowed to translate from trade show demo to
marketplace mauler.
If you have the willpower to start a new business – or the willpower to continue with an existing business – then you should have
the willpower to build it (more), maintain it (more), and grow it
(more) to last as long
as you live . . . or until you retire to seriously enjoy the fruits
of your success.
Whether your business is privately or publicly owned, it represents you
in public. Your business should be a personal
source of pride and a public source of inspiration to other
established and potential business owners. Current economic
conditions aside – personal pride dictates that you owe your business, your investment of
blood, sweat, and tears no less dedication.
No one goes into business to achieve average results or failure
unless that person is mentally unstable, or that person is a scam
artist using the business as a front for something crooked.
While some people prefer to be managed by others, a larger number of
people dream about being their own boss and creating products
desired by all.
Plenty of people go into business with the desire to be in charge
but without the responsibility of being in charge. Some of those
same people have the capacity to take on complete ownership of their
business, and others could not lead or manage their way out of a
cardboard box.
While a fear of responsibility is not something you want to have on
display when pursuing your own business, a fear of failure – in the
face of a truly challenging project or a range of strong competitors –
is healthy, natural, necessary, and it keeps your efforts towards
business ownership and success as true as possible.
If you are of stable mind and determined willpower with a business dream to
bring to life, DIBS can ride shotgun with you in your vehicle for
success and deliver you to the Promised Land.

DIBS is for everyone – no matter your
level of business experience, your style of doing business, or the
size of your business. It does not matter if you are an old school
business owner who deals in big box retail packaged products – or if
you are a new school shop owner specializing in the development of
various downloadable mobile apps for iPhone iOS and Android OS.
DIBS is even good for the independently
wealthy – some of whom appreciate resource management and others who
are more encouraged by the phrase "wealth maximization."
DIBS – no matter your standing – starts
and ends with your willpower and your desire to get the most out of
your public persona, your personal investment . . . your business.
If you are struggling to steer your business boat, and if someone
(if not you) within your ranks is overwhelmed with
the Development of Infrastructure and Business Strategies for your
products and services, then, the question begs:
Who has DIBS on your company?

If you want your new business to start
out on stronger footing, or if you want to give your existing
company a fresh direction, or if you have an ailing project in need
of a critical course correction, feel free to contact me at
I can have DIBS on your company and help you find the right
solution as soon as possible.

I also invite you to view the following
articles to find out just how deep the rabbit hole can go with DIBS
on establishing your CTC plan and your vehicle for success.
“Protecting Your Start-Up From Being Shot Down”
“What Is More Important To Your Company - Business Development Or
Account Management?”
“Finding The Right People For Your Business - How Dangerously Do You
Want To Live?”
“Showing Them The Money - When Is It Best To Share Your Service
“Acknowledge Your Limitations Or Risk Your Resources”
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