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Eric M. Scharf's management background provides a solid end-to-end solution. Strong executive leadership, strategic planning, and effective communication (from internal to vendor partnerships to client-facing to public relations) delivered on the frontend. In-depth oversight (of studios, products, risk assessment, operational development, team building, global outsourcing, contract negotiations, production pipelines, process improvement, budgeting, and scheduling) delivered on the backend, along with user experience design, creative direction, and usability testing in-between.

Eric’s management approach is one of information flexibility towards all stakeholders – from clients and investors to executives and development supervisors to production staff – with a laser focus on building, maintaining, and continuously refining an operational infrastructure into which all moving parts can cleanly fit.

Eric employs a one-size-fits-all system which can be flexed to support the requirements of any studio or product, from top-of-the-line to bare bones and back again. Based upon solid concept-to-completion interdisciplinary research and bedrock experience, Eric’s system delivers in-depth but easily digestible guidelines to product managers, project leads, and development teams. Eric achieves equal success with local area, near shore, and offshore resources by scaling communication and specificity as needed. His well-documented and reliable instructions empower personnel to be as fluid, creative, and productive within his structure as they wish, without jeopardizing design mechanics, visual quality, technical functionality, or task tracking. Eric encourages personnel to study these principles, and offer up ideas for improvement, rather than simply accepting them as fact. A qualified manager is certainly a capable one, but not nearly as much without the support and trust of a well-prepared team.

Eric maintains regular contact with personnel on all levels at all times – to confirm communication, comprehension, and collaboration quality. Eric uses metrics gathered from that regular contact as the foundation for ongoing decisions on product scope, personnel, vendor partnerships, and client relations.